Wednesday 22 June 2011

It Never Rains but It Pours

Uhm so England's weather has returned to normal (lots and lots of rain >.<) and I was fortunate enough to get caught out in it earlier. fun. But I guess that means no more hosepipe ban (not that we have a hosepipe). The hosepipe ban never made sense to me, its there to stop gardeners from watering their gardens. does it not occur to them that said gardener could easily fill up a watering can thus not breaking the hosepipe ban...stupid government. 
Ah right, Haven't blogged since my operation. I'm doing well, or so everyone says. Considering the hole is pretty much healed now I'd call that good. I went to church this evening...technically my first mass back since my operation. It was Corpus Christi so I had to go and parade around the church as a ribbon boy (they ran out of boys and I didn't fancy being a flower girl). Some numpty drove past and decided he would beep his horn at us so Fr. John gave him the nod....the kind that says 'yes we know you have a horn on your car and we know you find this amusing now kindly STFUGTFO' and Fr. Brian decided he would bless the car as it passed him XD Bloody genius that man. I saw a lot of people tonight who I haven't seen in a while. Freda, she moved away with Fr. Allan a few years back and I saw her today, she looked exactly the same!! and then there was Fr. Kevin....he was asking about my mum and my mum can't even remember him....and then a couple of other people. I managed to get a hug from Chris too...Sucess XD nah I was just playing around. 
I cleared out Pucchi's ast list a couple of days ago with Hanii. We kicked out all of the inactive members and updated with the successful Generation 2 members. and now I'm exporting the first single with Enve in it ^-^ she did really well too. 
OMG I found my MP4 player today!!!...or I say I found it buh it was probably my Dad as I casually saw it lying around by the kettle earlier. regardless, I was finally able to update it with all my musics.
The last episode of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi comes out this week. I'm sad to see it end but at the same time, I'm dying to see what happens >.< 
oh oh oh ....I made Cake! for fathers day. I took it to see my Grandad when it was done and was all like "Happy fathers day" and the look on his face said everything "How am I going to eat a cake that big?" XD so I told him it wasn't all for him and he looked relieved then. Stupid little git took 2 hours to cook but everyone enjoyed it. See I can cook cakes fine, I can even do pastries to a decent standard, I make scones to die for but tell me to make a biscuit and I'll probably give you food poisoning. 

I'll leave it at that tonight as I'm getting tired, 



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