Tuesday 19 April 2011

Rule no.1 We Must Wear Glasses

So you're probably wondering about the title right....well it has no significance, just a quote from a song I like right now. I completely forgot to blog yesterday so I'll sum up the last couple of days now.

So my dad took it upon himself to wake me up at 10am because he wanted some help  cleaning and I'm always the first one to call upon as my brother and sister aren't morning people. Regardless of this we didn't actually start doing anything until 12....why'd he have to wake me up at 10 if he was gonna watch TV >.< oh well, we managed to do quite a bit and now my room is clutter free....or it has 3 mattresses less anyway. His next great idea was to go see nana and grandad for some reason unknown buh this didnt happen. nothing much else happened i guess. unless you count pucchi pro releases, we released the first Eggletts single 

Aren't the egglets totally amazing....well....me and Hanii had to cover a little bit because of incomplete lines and missing people buh aside from that it turned out pretty well....and one person seems to think its bad and rushed....yeah....rushed my arse. We released Renai rider too

Brilliant right, best Oishii single yet.....well that was monday in a nutshell, on to...


 I slept most of the day because dad took a wrong pill and fell asleep for most of the day XD we woke up just in time to get ready to go to the dentist >.< I hate the dentist buh on the bright side, my teeth are fine. I mixed another song today and spoke a bit about how awesome the British accent is and how everyone loves it...I think that comedian was right "there are no homeless people in america because he would be employed simply because of his accent" totally true...even the foreigners admit it. I'm still listening to Kuroshitsuji musical....buh hell it deserves to be on repeat as it is the epitome of all things awesome... William T Spears >w< Kyaaaaaa~ I was thinking of recording myself speaking to put on youtube, simply because of my accent.....seems a good plan. I uploaded the new S/umairu single today...

I was gonna do Bravo Bravo too buh Its a little late and i dont feel like mixing right now.....wow it really is late, 2:42am. I think i'm gonna go to bed now



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