Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Chosen Idiots

Morning all.....or well technically it's evening here buh it's morning for somebody. So today was my first day back in a performance studies lesson. Mostly pretty boring I s'pose, we were just going over the work we were supposed to do over easter. However, we did do a swedish porno scene (Technically this is my blog and not facebook so no one can get into trouble XD)and that went well. there were 3 groups who performed it in the class and each one got funnier for different reasons. Every group had one shitty actor in it.....the chosen idiots. At least I wasn't stuck with the biggest idiot of them all. (Blog...this is more like rant). ah yes the swedish porno, just to prove as we aren't all mental and it is actually something we have to study, it's in the play called 'Bouncers'. Good book that....yes...very good indeed. Now though I'm listening to hAngry & Angry.....OMG YOSSIE <3 so much love for that woman...

Oh and Rika too, they're both amazing (love Rika's angry face at the end). I wish they were a group still buh I'm glad they're both in Dream Momusu, the only member of that group I don't like is Koharu (sowwy Hanii). Ohhhhh C-ute's new song 'Momoiro Sparkling' was kinda released today as a radio rip got posted on youtube. I prefer it to their last few singles buh since they lost so many members I don't like their new stuff much. Okie just a few things to mention

Happy Birthday to my Mum!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Haniiiiii!!!!!!<3

wow everyone's birthdays are so close so here you go!!

I love Miya in this song ^-^

Hmmm, not sure if I should really be blogging about this so I'll remain vague, my Nana is really sick recently and I've been pretty worried about her, everyone keeps telling me to prepare for the worst buh regardless of how much you prepare, it never lessens the blow does it? XD Check me out, using rhetorical questions.....unless you feel like answering of course. So this weekend is a 4 day weekend beginning on friday for the royal wedding, I don't know yet if i'll watch buh everyone seems to be having parties and stuff.....not me -.- our family never does anything, mum, greg and hannah are always in bed and we dont know anybody worth inviting to a party. It's a pain in the ass buh we do get 4 days off, buh i'd rather be in well I guess that's all I have to say



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