Tuesday 31 May 2011

He's the ace!

Hey people who loyally read my blog (it means a lot to me that you do <3) Today I’m at the hospital and I’m bored. So I thought it’d be a good idea to type all my thoughts throughout the day and then upload a big update in one. So get this, I had to get up at 6am to get here for 7am and my operation isn’t until this afternoon.>.< Bloody hospitals, buh it’s not just me, the bleeding secretary got it wrong for everyone on the ward. So there’s 5 of us sat around doing sod all on a ward filled with sod all and we have to wear stupid socks with no toes in them and cut your circulation off. Slippy death filled socks and I’m the only one on this ward (and the youngest) who knows how to put a pair of knee socks on in no time at all. They were amazed by it XD. The other ladies all seem very nice though, it’s a shame we’re all stuck here all day with nothing to. So I turned my laptop on and my MP3 as I already had it in my head as I didn’t want to talk to a bunch of people I didn’t know. Buh they all want to talk to me…so for now I have one headphone in listening to some awesome music that’s making me smile so as I at least appear happy.

According to Mr Morgan (The doctor) I look worried, I always thought I was a relatively chilled person and I wasn’t worried until he said I looked worried. Buh the fact that he looks like Penfold from the Dangermouse series makes him a lot easier to talk to XD. 

All the nurses and anaesthetists were talking to all the other ladies on the ward about their situations and then all at once everyone wanted to ask me everything, it was like pass the parcel with patient notes, questionnaires and consent forms and now I have a random black mark on my arm so he knows which arm he’s operating on >.< I thought I could at least update the CRC story whilst I had nothing to do. I find that even though chapter 1 was yuri orientated, the new chapter has fictional characters and a yaoi scene right at the beginning, though a kind of tame one considering I’m writing it.

I have to sleep downstairs today, Dad said he’ll be getting the mattress off my bed and putting it in the living room. As long as I’m done and home in time for Britain’s Got Talent, I’m not much fussed where I sleep…Although, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to stay awake for the duration of the show, everyone says the anaesthetic will keep me practically knocked out for the next few days. Not that I mind much, I haven’t been sleeping well so the fact that I will be forced to sleep is just fine with me. I just kinda…hate hospitals…..I never used to buh they managed to screw around so bad with my Nana and I’m appalled by the care that she received, because of this I’m obviously keeping to myself as much as I can. I had my brother download me some anime last night so if I get too bored, I can always watch Macross Frontier. I think I might go the shop and get a puzzle book or something; It’s ridiculous that we’re all stuck here with last years’ magazines and nothing on the telly. Yeah I guess I will.


I swear it’s an abomination to charge £2.75 for a freaking puzzle book -.- and we used to be able to get the beano from here for 80p. Bloody hospitals.  So I did a wordsearch and a half and now I’m bored stiff again……..sigh**

Okay I found something to rant about…WHAT THE HELL IS WITH HOSTIPAL GOWN EFFORTS!!!……I use efforts as the main word in that sentence because they really are. They’re just two long coats, one goes on forward, one goes on backwards….seriously hospital….seriously? I can’t even sit here and watch Jurassic Park in peace as all the nurses of the hospital are popping in and out of the room -.-. Everyone’s bored stiff and either reading or gorming of into space, I doubt anyone could sleep as we all got up at 6 for this and now we have to wait…that tends to piss a person off.


Okie so now is as good a time as any to update, I’m out of surgery now. All of the nurses said the first thing I tried to do when I woke up was try to get out of bed….well it’s instinct isn’t it? Along with crying and literally asking where Penfold was….not that the nurses knew what I was on about. Then I asked for my teddy bear and from then I seem to remember what happened. My throat is sore as hell though from the breathing tube they stick in ya to help ya breathe. Seriously, I can’t even swallow toast >.< Buh an hour or so has passed since then and I’m on half hourly observation for now to make sure I’m okay. I feel fine aside from the fact I can hardly swallow. The nurse in charge says as soon as I’m up and walking about and can go to the toilet then I’m free to go….I can walk around just fine. Dad just come to see me and bought my teddy bear with him so I feel better now. I ready want to get this damned needle out of my hand and go home. One of the ladies on the ward asked me what kind of stories I write….how the hell do you tell an old lady that you write gay romance stories!? Meh I just thought it though and said “all kinds” and she accepted that as it stood. Poor lady has had to wait all day and still hasn’t had her operation yet.

Home now so I’m off



Thursday 26 May 2011

Many a True Word Is Spoken In Jest

Once again my title seems to reflect my mood. So apparently there's something wrong with my sister. She Keeps getting a migraine on the days she has to go to school....yeah I'm sure. Her attendance for this year is about 60....or maybe lower but even so it's totally not fair. Me and my brother were both in top set for all of our classes and we both maintained a C or above for every subject every year so naturally we both got 10-15 A-C Grade GCSE's by the end of high school.

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Certificate_of_Secondary_Education) For my american friends who are a bit clueless right now

So when I stand up and say she needs to be in school and get a frikkin education because she isn't even hitting a D in anything right now, my Dad asks ME to teach her the stuff she doesn't know....NOT MY JOB!! Here in England we get free education, so why not simply send her to school.  My parents seem to know what's wrong with her but don't tell us....I don't think any thing's wrong with her, she's just attention seeking and doing my head in. 

Ahh~ on to a good note. Recently, I discovered that writing same-sex romance stories is my forte...I don't know whether to be worried by this or not but everyone is asking for more already and I only wrote one chapter (I'll add a link at the end) I also did a load of mixing for Pucchi, but because that will take up a lot of space, I'll just post a couple and then link the rest at the end. 

Kill me Kiss me, duet with Hanii ( I love this one)

Campus life, good song this one

Yeah there are a load of others too and I still have some more to mix, but I haven't got around to it yet. 

CRC is doing quite a bit recently, we finished Tatta Latta and we're in the process of doing Mr Music, Shoudou (as everyone needs a bit of yaoi) and the summer album (as people are no longer complaining) again I'll post links at the end. 
My Nana (my other one) Called the other day, said the hospital got the results of her screen for cancer and she'd fine, no cancer for her. Which I'm happy about because I don't wanna lose another Nana any time soon. 

Hmmm, what did I do on Sunday....I went for a walk, I went to the cemetery as everyone was complaining, the gate was locked, it was open when I got there though. But the wind had blown Nana's flowers around everywhere so I had to put some of those back. My only mistake that day was taking Smish with me. We decided to go to MacDonald's after but my shoe had rubbed half my foot away! so I had to backtrack and go see my Aunt (she's a nurse) and then my uncle drove us there. So yeah, my shit week has been pretty shit, and to top it off, we're going to the cinema tomorrow but my back is hurting really bad (like, it took me 20 minutes to get down the stairs bad)  so I'll be in agony for a 3 hour movie. 

Yuri Story
Juicy He@rt Cover 
Seishun Collection Cover 
Onna Ga Medatte Naze Ikenai Cover 

Tatta Latta CRChorus
BONUS LINK~ How Do You Like Japan?

Okie, that's enough from me



Saturday 21 May 2011

What Happens Twice Can Happen Thrice

I guess lately things have been going downhill rapidly with me. I finished college for summer now and yet everything is so bad. between the funeral and my mood anyone would guess someone close to me died. Yeah, I have a pretty short temper lately, everything and anything is really pissing me off....my therapist discharged me because I'm too old for his services but he is recommending me to a discussion group....because I've always been one to discuss my personal life with complete strangers. So I got asked by a group to join them, so like any self respecting singer, I auditioned....then got rejected......then a different group (run by a friend) also asked me to audition....then rejected me. So you see why my title makes sense. Needless to say I won't be singing for a while.

I uploaded a few new songs to Pucchi Project over the last few days. Couple of them are okay but we have yet to put a decent Pucchi Musume single out. I also mixed a few singles for one of my other groups.....sounds much better buh I hate the face that I only get like 3 solo lines each time whereas the leader (who isn't a very good singer) Gives herself most lines. Yeah, that's gratitude for you that. Okay so get this. A group I auditioned for, the leader popped up on MSN today and said the following "we like your voice, sorry you didnt get in. Would you please like our K-pop video" I can think of many reasons to tell them to go to hell but they're also Hanii's friends so I don't wanna say anything out of line. But to hav the nerve to ask me to like their shitty K-pop video after rejecting me....that's the stupidest bloody thing on the face of the Earth. I hate K-pop and I now hate that group. I was tempted to click the dislike button just to spite them but I'm not that kind of person. 

I started re-watching Junjou Romantica and it occurs to me that I'm becoming more like Hiro every day. only Hiro is more tsundere than myself. but yeah short fuse, everyone is suddenly a bastard to me and needs to be hurt....really bad. But even so I still like everything else about the world. Take all the useless bastards out of the equation and all is well again. Lately I'm too confused, I want to be left alone but I don't want to be alone. 

I used to love singing. And then it became more of a chore. I liked singing Hello pro songs because they were good songs but now I just singing small parts for groups and I'm not even doing that right any more. I can sing a song and feel like I've done really well but I do really bad or if I really do sing it well I only have a small part or the mixer turns me down way too much and I can't be heard. 

Please if anyone can think of a unique reason for me to keep singing do tell me. It's all fine you saying "oh but you're so good, you can't quit" but everyone says that so be original. 

Ciao for now~


Friday 13 May 2011

Aqua's Roundup

Yee-ha as they say I s'pose. So here's my overview of the week. I think something is wrong with me, since my Nana died I haven't slept properly and now I'm having horrible dreams about the funeral. The hospital (finally) released her body so we have the funeral next Thursday. My 4 older cousins are planning on carrying the coffin up the aisle in church...personally I hate this idea. I trust Kev and Rob and maybe even Steve at a push buh Gary is an ass-hat to say the least. That pube couldn't even carry his own decency let alone his dead grandmother. But I suppose I have to be fair, I mean...it is their grandmother too. I guess next week is gonna be bad too, I have a hand in on Tuesday that is gonna be hell to finish as I need to finish my photoshoots and get it all uploaded in time and then on Wednesday I have my Performance Studies written exam that I totally haven't studied for (I know all the Godber stuff buh nothing about that Bourne fellow)......I think that was his name. I guess I'll have to cram on Tuesday evening, also The funeral is on Thursday afternoon and then the hospital want my dad to spend the night there the following Monday >.< So I'll be home looking after everyone and everything on my billy.

Buh now for some good news, I managed to upload a new song to my personal youtubte channel today. It was a duet I did with Hanii <3 'Futari wa NS' from the anime Kirarin Revolution.

I think it come out pretty well. Hanii makes an awesome Koha...right? ^-^ I totally need to sing more stuff with her she's amazing. Hmm I was gonna go out tomorrow to an anime meetup buh I decided to go shopping with my Dad and Grandad instead. Grandaddy has been really quiet lately, totally understandable given the situation buh it doesn't stop me worrying about him y'know. Dad wants to hurry tomorrow as stoke are playing man city in the FA Cup final at Wembley.....I wanna watch too though so I'm not against him hurrying the shopping. Right now I has Sparky in my room, He's a lovely little (big) Moggy buh he needs to stop snoring (HE ISN'T EVEN ASLEEP) maybe he's a bit broken too? Wouldn't surprise me in this house. OMG I totally went in an automated carwash today =D it was the highlight of my day and the hot wax smelled like bananas!! how the hell did they come up with that one. The antibac foamy stuff at the hospital smells like banana too, how cool is that (Unless you don't like bananas of course buh who doesn't like bananas). So yeah I spent the better part of the evening sniffing the car (I'm not strange).

I had to cancel another CRChorus song today as 80% of people sang out of time and in the wrong key....even I can't fix that in all my mad mixing skills. So I said if anyone has another suggestion to just lemme know. Not that I'll implement it any time soon as i'm still mad at them for bitching about me behind me back (bunch of tossers). Buh I did give them some more stuff to contemplate over (which reminds me, I really should start scripting the summer album sometime soon). Ooooh~ Wednesday is my last day of college for the 2010/2011 academic year I'm psyched buh kinda sad at the same time. I made some good friends this year and I'm glad I moved college as I think it was a smart move, I'm doing better than I ever could've done up Clough Hall (Shitty piece of shit college) and the people are a lot more friendly (as long as you do all your work on time and remember your ID everyday) so yeah, to leave you this evening here is a song I love that was covered by me, Hanii and Chii for CRChorus 'Little Princess Pri' 

Alls I have to say to this video is LILPRI HIME CHEN!! 


Aqua <3

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Ye Olde English Rant~

Lol a blog for all my rants of the week. I guess I'll start in order:

-I went to get dressed on Monday morning for college as any self respecting teenager would buh to my joy my mum hadn't finished washing the clothes I wanted to wear so I had to root around for some different ones which made me late for college. My teacher didn't mind much though as I'm going through some hard stuff right now. So yeah i was gonna wear my jeans buh my darling little sister had thrown them on the floor onto a wet towel after she got out of the bath so they were soaked through. After college I thought it'd be nice of me to take the football match to my grandad (we put it on a DVD) and as soon as I leave the house....it started raining. I put the umbrella up and the wind kicked in too hard so I had to pull it down before it broke and run to my grandads in the middle of the beginning of a thunderstorm.....no coat, black bra and white shirt.....yeah.

-Ah Tuesday how I love thee, I went to the doctors to see my therapist. Upon my arrival I'm told that he's double booked so I don't get to see him -.- My Dad took it upon himself to take me and my brother out shopping for games and stuff. I didn't find anything worth buying except a pink PSP that my dad said was too much so I couldn't have it. Then my sister got home, I went around to see my Mum because I found her MP3 player and then my sister was demanding I move out of her way even though she could clearly see that my brother was in front of me and I had nowhere to move to! And then when I did manage to let her pass my brother goes and blocks the exit so I was stuck there. When i got testy and was all "Im trying to get out!"  >.< he yelled and started bitching about how useless I am. So I went to watch TV to cool off. My dad decided to take me for 'Retail Therapy' as he calls it, technically speaking we just did the weekly shop. But I did get some new pyjamas out of it.

-One of the online singing groups I run is bitching about me behind my back. Usually this doesn't bother me at all because I got used to in in year 5 buh this was unforgivable! They want to cover songs that they can't possibly cover without Murdering them....DEAD!!! so not fair on me because it makes me look like the bad guy. It's bad enough that one member of the group is only there to promote his own stupid ass and now he has to go and complain about threads that I was asked to open and now this. Mutiny I tell you...MUTINY!!!

-Tom has decided he's gonna be an ass-hat and drop out of the only song I asked him to do as a favour to me in 5 weeks so as he had time to learn it.....frikkin ass-hat. I do so much for him and now he can't be bothered to learn one sodding song! He says it's because he wants to study for exams.....Bullshit. He's learning his lines for a crappy school musical that will be nothing without me. I know this because Mine was the only song the audience reacted to last time. so now I have to contend with the people I already had....buh I did ask Hanii to sing and she said yes. 

Jeez that's a lot of complaining. I dont even think I could try to counter act with the good stuff that's happened over the last few days....uhhh I beat the 8th gym in Pokemon Black that's about it.

Okay I guess I'll leave you to soak up all that rant and get all angry yourselves bu thinking "OMG I KNOW RIGHT WHAT A BUNCH OF ASS-HATS" or whatever you wanna think



Friday 6 May 2011

In Memory...

So this is my first blog in a while huh. Reason being, my Nana recently passed away so I haven't been sleeping well or been feeling up to writing anything much. But, I do think she needs to be remembered somewhere and I'm not one for the false sympathies passed around on facebook or twitter.She was an awesome person and even on her deathbed she was thinking about others. I always admired her for that. She'll always be in my heart and in my thoughts. 

I'm planning in covering that in her name, she liked the Japanese music I listened to and that song is kinda fitting if you think about it. Only a short post this time but probably my most meaningful one.

In Memory of Marian Cole 

