Friday 13 May 2011

Aqua's Roundup

Yee-ha as they say I s'pose. So here's my overview of the week. I think something is wrong with me, since my Nana died I haven't slept properly and now I'm having horrible dreams about the funeral. The hospital (finally) released her body so we have the funeral next Thursday. My 4 older cousins are planning on carrying the coffin up the aisle in church...personally I hate this idea. I trust Kev and Rob and maybe even Steve at a push buh Gary is an ass-hat to say the least. That pube couldn't even carry his own decency let alone his dead grandmother. But I suppose I have to be fair, I is their grandmother too. I guess next week is gonna be bad too, I have a hand in on Tuesday that is gonna be hell to finish as I need to finish my photoshoots and get it all uploaded in time and then on Wednesday I have my Performance Studies written exam that I totally haven't studied for (I know all the Godber stuff buh nothing about that Bourne fellow)......I think that was his name. I guess I'll have to cram on Tuesday evening, also The funeral is on Thursday afternoon and then the hospital want my dad to spend the night there the following Monday >.< So I'll be home looking after everyone and everything on my billy.

Buh now for some good news, I managed to upload a new song to my personal youtubte channel today. It was a duet I did with Hanii <3 'Futari wa NS' from the anime Kirarin Revolution.

I think it come out pretty well. Hanii makes an awesome Koha...right? ^-^ I totally need to sing more stuff with her she's amazing. Hmm I was gonna go out tomorrow to an anime meetup buh I decided to go shopping with my Dad and Grandad instead. Grandaddy has been really quiet lately, totally understandable given the situation buh it doesn't stop me worrying about him y'know. Dad wants to hurry tomorrow as stoke are playing man city in the FA Cup final at Wembley.....I wanna watch too though so I'm not against him hurrying the shopping. Right now I has Sparky in my room, He's a lovely little (big) Moggy buh he needs to stop snoring (HE ISN'T EVEN ASLEEP) maybe he's a bit broken too? Wouldn't surprise me in this house. OMG I totally went in an automated carwash today =D it was the highlight of my day and the hot wax smelled like bananas!! how the hell did they come up with that one. The antibac foamy stuff at the hospital smells like banana too, how cool is that (Unless you don't like bananas of course buh who doesn't like bananas). So yeah I spent the better part of the evening sniffing the car (I'm not strange).

I had to cancel another CRChorus song today as 80% of people sang out of time and in the wrong key....even I can't fix that in all my mad mixing skills. So I said if anyone has another suggestion to just lemme know. Not that I'll implement it any time soon as i'm still mad at them for bitching about me behind me back (bunch of tossers). Buh I did give them some more stuff to contemplate over (which reminds me, I really should start scripting the summer album sometime soon). Ooooh~ Wednesday is my last day of college for the 2010/2011 academic year I'm psyched buh kinda sad at the same time. I made some good friends this year and I'm glad I moved college as I think it was a smart move, I'm doing better than I ever could've done up Clough Hall (Shitty piece of shit college) and the people are a lot more friendly (as long as you do all your work on time and remember your ID everyday) so yeah, to leave you this evening here is a song I love that was covered by me, Hanii and Chii for CRChorus 'Little Princess Pri' 

Alls I have to say to this video is LILPRI HIME CHEN!! 


Aqua <3

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