Friday 6 May 2011

In Memory...

So this is my first blog in a while huh. Reason being, my Nana recently passed away so I haven't been sleeping well or been feeling up to writing anything much. But, I do think she needs to be remembered somewhere and I'm not one for the false sympathies passed around on facebook or twitter.She was an awesome person and even on her deathbed she was thinking about others. I always admired her for that. She'll always be in my heart and in my thoughts. 

I'm planning in covering that in her name, she liked the Japanese music I listened to and that song is kinda fitting if you think about it. Only a short post this time but probably my most meaningful one.

In Memory of Marian Cole 



1 comment:

  1. Im so sorry for your loss
    Recently it was four years since my Nana passed away and I always cry over her :( She loved to sing too
    I know your Nana will be looking down and be proud of you for who you are :) xxx
