Tuesday 10 May 2011

Ye Olde English Rant~

Lol a blog for all my rants of the week. I guess I'll start in order:

-I went to get dressed on Monday morning for college as any self respecting teenager would buh to my joy my mum hadn't finished washing the clothes I wanted to wear so I had to root around for some different ones which made me late for college. My teacher didn't mind much though as I'm going through some hard stuff right now. So yeah i was gonna wear my jeans buh my darling little sister had thrown them on the floor onto a wet towel after she got out of the bath so they were soaked through. After college I thought it'd be nice of me to take the football match to my grandad (we put it on a DVD) and as soon as I leave the house....it started raining. I put the umbrella up and the wind kicked in too hard so I had to pull it down before it broke and run to my grandads in the middle of the beginning of a thunderstorm.....no coat, black bra and white shirt.....yeah.

-Ah Tuesday how I love thee, I went to the doctors to see my therapist. Upon my arrival I'm told that he's double booked so I don't get to see him -.- My Dad took it upon himself to take me and my brother out shopping for games and stuff. I didn't find anything worth buying except a pink PSP that my dad said was too much so I couldn't have it. Then my sister got home, I went around to see my Mum because I found her MP3 player and then my sister was demanding I move out of her way even though she could clearly see that my brother was in front of me and I had nowhere to move to! And then when I did manage to let her pass my brother goes and blocks the exit so I was stuck there. When i got testy and was all "Im trying to get out!"  >.< he yelled and started bitching about how useless I am. So I went to watch TV to cool off. My dad decided to take me for 'Retail Therapy' as he calls it, technically speaking we just did the weekly shop. But I did get some new pyjamas out of it.

-One of the online singing groups I run is bitching about me behind my back. Usually this doesn't bother me at all because I got used to in in year 5 buh this was unforgivable! They want to cover songs that they can't possibly cover without Murdering them....DEAD!!! so not fair on me because it makes me look like the bad guy. It's bad enough that one member of the group is only there to promote his own stupid ass and now he has to go and complain about threads that I was asked to open and now this. Mutiny I tell you...MUTINY!!!

-Tom has decided he's gonna be an ass-hat and drop out of the only song I asked him to do as a favour to me in 5 weeks so as he had time to learn it.....frikkin ass-hat. I do so much for him and now he can't be bothered to learn one sodding song! He says it's because he wants to study for exams.....Bullshit. He's learning his lines for a crappy school musical that will be nothing without me. I know this because Mine was the only song the audience reacted to last time. so now I have to contend with the people I already had....buh I did ask Hanii to sing and she said yes. 

Jeez that's a lot of complaining. I dont even think I could try to counter act with the good stuff that's happened over the last few days....uhhh I beat the 8th gym in Pokemon Black that's about it.

Okay I guess I'll leave you to soak up all that rant and get all angry yourselves bu thinking "OMG I KNOW RIGHT WHAT A BUNCH OF ASS-HATS" or whatever you wanna think




  1. I HATE WHEN SIBLINGS DO THAT!!! My brother frequently messed me up and made me late for things by doing things like putting wet towels on my clothes and stuff. :( Or he'd lock me out of the bathroom and hold my dental stuff hostage. SIBLINGS. WHY. D: My blood sibling drives me crazy.

    I love retail therapy, but I'm sorry you didn't gain yourself the pink PSP. That would have been massively adorable.

    Seriously, does that group not realize how terrible they are?! We have like... what... 5 good singers? I think? If I were you, I'd kick them all out and start from scratch. But I tend to run on the bad cop side of things with dubs. XD

    Good golly. >_> Really, Tom, really?!?! But yesh, you can always count on me, dearest. That's what friends are for. You know I've ALWAYS got your back. 100%. (And thanks again for agreeing to do Momoiro. :3 Loves you.)

    hahahaha I love that you ended with Pokemon. Everything should end like that. XD I still need to freaking go buy White! >_> And then you'll trade me the Black only Pokemon, yes yes? ;D;D;D hahaha

  2. Im so sorry about whats happening D: I hate it when there's a few days where you feel like you're being cursed with bad luck! But dont worry Im sure something good will happen :3

    Im sorry about your dub group :( Thats whats upset me lately, I know a few other J-Pop dubbers on Twitter who have been bitching and it has made me frown upon them. Dubbing is meant to be fun! Not competitive :(
